@misc{Kiełsznia_Stefan_(1911-1987)_1, author={Kiełsznia, Stefan (1911-1987)}, howpublished={online}, publisher={The "Grodzka Gate - NN Theatre" Centre}, type={photography}, title={1 Lubartowska Street in Lublin}, keywords={Jewish History Tours, metal balcony, elderly Jew, signboard in yiddish, metal gutter, wooden shutter, a man wearing a jacket and a cap, Kanel i Zbar manufacture storage, bearded Jew in a dark coat, a woman with a shopping bag, a woman in a shawl with a big white package on her back, a man wearing a hat and a dark coat, posters in yiddish, bookstore and paper storage, Szolsohn, Michael, Michaela Szolsohn's printer, Michaela Szolsohn's bookstore, Jewish printer, Jewish bookstore, Hebrew printer, Hebrew bookstore, a man wearing a cap and a dark coat, advertising signboards, Jewish stores, Lublin, Jews, Lubartowska Street, Jewish quarter, Trachter, Symcha Binem (1893 – 1942), 1 Lubartowska Street, 27 Lubartowska Street, Kiełsznia, Stefan (1911-1987), walking Jews, paving}, }